Originally called the Jewish Board of Ministers and founded at the time of the Gold Rush, the Board of Rabbis of Northern California is arguably one of the oldest Jewish groups organized in Northern California. However, their IRS status was officially approved on February 24, 1982.
Responding to the needs of the times in the late sixties and seventies, the Board of Rabbis responded to the needs of those in cults, Moonies, the Flower Children and other young people who were not affiliated by or served by synagogues or other existing Jewish organizations in the area. As a result of the success in this area, it was felt that a formal address and office would be an appropriate move for the Board.
On January 23, 1978, the first office was dedicated in a non-profit building at 944 Market Street, and subsequently at the Flood Building. In 1984, The Board of Rabbis moved to the Jewish Community Federation Building until they broke away in 2021.
The Board of Rabbis includes rabbis from all branches of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist and Renewal. The Board of Rabbis of Northern California is an exemplar of pluralism and sets a climate where cooperation, respect and collegiality prevail. The Board of Rabbis of Northern California is a very important resource for both the individual rabbi and the Jewish community.
The Board of Rabbis of Northern California serves as a Jewish religious voice in the Jewish and general communities. The Board of Rabbis also serves as the endorsing agency for chaplains in State prisons and institutions for the developmentally disabled to which it provides rabbis. Its information and referral service answers inquiries regarding Judaism and refers callers to rabbis for synagogue memberships, lifecycle observances and other needs. In the fall of 2023, with support of the Mount Zion Health Fund and the Newhouse Fund, the Board was able to formally open their San Francisco Hospital Jewish Chaplaincy Program, providing support for unaffiliated Jewish patients.
The Board of Rabbis of Northern California sponsors and co-sponsors community-wide events such as TISHA B’AV observances and YOM YERUSHALAYIM celebrations. Through Board of Rabbis resolutions, it has been established that all Jewish community-wide meals be kosher. Awareness has been raised of the need to make Jewish facilities more accessible to the disabled. The Board has urged the abolition of the death penalty. A recent project was to increase the number of organ donations within the Jewish community, on the basis of the MITZVAH of PIKUACH NEFESH.
Rabbis, strengthened by community support and working together, can be a bridge to all segments within our society, fostering better understanding and compassion for all peoples.